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Castle Bridges Foundation

The Castle Bridges Foundation and Private Trust was formed with the express purpose of allowing men and women to take control of their own assets, wealth, finances and legacy. It is our strongly held conviction that you should be allowed to make your own choices and act upon those choices in the best interests of yourself and your loved ones. Always behaving in honour with regard for the law. We believe that every individual should have the opportunity to rule over his own kingdom. To be master of his own decisions and to reign unchallenged in his private realm.

We help you create structures that have stood the test of time, they are available to anyone wishing to protect and manage their own assets.

However, as your fingerprint is unique so will the way you wish to structure your financial future. We deliver a bespoke, made to measure service and each client is given our personal attention.
Please book a free consultation with us to find out what we can do for you.

Asset Protection

Is total asset protection only for the elite or is it available to everyone?
The ability to remain unincorporated yet under international law, not adhere to any set jurisdiction while existing without any third party filing requirements and to preserve your freedom and privacy.
It may seem as if this is beyond mere mortals but structures are available to you that do just this.


Asset Protection Lock and Key

Wealth Management

For most of us the mention of legacy is coupled with the frustration that comes from knowing that everything you’ve work for and maintained is now to be handed over via probate. A third party will decide the validity of your will and grant it’s approval. While at the same time making sure that their colleagues in office get their cut. There is a better way to protect you and your family

Succession Planning

We’re led to believe that only funds and specialists can manage your money. Placing your wealth with a discretionary manager is all well and good but it’s not the only route. Perhaps you’d prefer to be the master of your own ship and have the freedom to invest without regulatory oversight and retain total privacy. In a world with so much information at your fingertips the choice can be yours to make.


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American Clients

America the Land of the Free. The unique constitution gives rights and privileges to those born on American soil. Yet those rights and privileges are slowly being eroded. Taken away year by year decade by decade. If this continues those citizens of the United States and their future generations will not enjoy the freedoms of their ancestors but there is a way to gain your own independence.

Notes and Records

We have a mine of information available to clients but it would be impossible to explain everything on a webpage as each client has their own individual circumstances and requirements.

In Notes and Records we write about current changes in legislation and statute as well as giving you a glimpse of the insight that we have taken years to amass. We will publish thoughts and comments on current news events that impact our freedoms and expose the facts behind the illusions that influence your choices.

You can also sign up for our newsletter or join an online channel to discuss and debate.


Contact Us

If we’ve piqued your interest and you’d like to know more about your God given freedoms and how to claim them please contact us directly or book a 15 minute call to discuss your options.