CBf Web Notes and Records

How to Start This Journey

The modern concept of sovereignty owes much to the jurist Jean Bodin, who conceived it as “a supreme, perpetual, and indivisible power, marked by the ability to make law without the consent of any other?” Of course, as with most bastardised words or concepts/theories it’s predominantly becomes a dirty and often maligned word due to a large number of people who have declared sovereignty or themselves sovereign without the faintest idea what they are talking about. They make grandiose claims about them being above the law and do untold damage to the reality of what can be achieved by this change of status. Status comes from the Latin to stand and literally means ones standing, where one’s feet are in personal or professional terms. Where your mind, body and soul stand. Therefore, those of you wishing to manufacture Molotov cocktails, overthrow the state and stake a claim as equal to royalty, so that you can break laws, can stop reading now. Those who want to change their status, to allow them to live a life without the constant interference of the government and their agencies, read on.

Another change of status is that of Individuation. Carl Jung spent many hours writing and expanding on this until once again it has become shrouded in smoke, mirrors and mystery. However the aim of individuation is equated with the extension of consciousness and the development of personality, is to divest the self of its false wrappings of the persona, the mask the personality uses to confront the world, and the suggestive power of numinous unconscious contents.

If people had the knowledge of what is meant by sovereignty/sovereign or Individuation and were asked if they wanted to fashion a life from this “theory” only the very foolish would say no. To be truly free of bureaucratic interference and over-reach is an amazing feeling, however it’s fair to say that only a small percentage of the population is ready to take that step. Once you stop relying on the state and government to care for you and your family it would seem only fair that you must also start and continue taking full responsibility for yourself, your actions, your family and your business. Only the strongest and most determined are able to forge this path. However, the rewards are innumerable.

Castle Bridges is unique in its ability to help create this life for you should you choose it. Myself and my colleagues, my friends and family have spent years forging the tools required to take this step and succeed. We have discovered information and knowledge far beyond the grasp of the average man in the street. It’s because of our tireless work in this area that we have the confidence to guide you. Each and every one of us takes great pleasure in our individuality and independence however we use this network to support each other. A network that helps us grow and prosper. That Network is now the Castle Bridges Foundation.

The changing of your status is achieved by you answering some questions and filling out some details on a form. Simple. Once we have these we can record and notarise your status making it (officially) recognisable in law. This is the first step of the journey and the act that allows you to participate in structures and entities that will grant you autonomy on multiple levels. Taking charge of yourself will have positive consequences and those consequences are managed and implemented by you rather than bureaucrats, faceless trustees, company directors or government agents. Therefore, each action and reaction are unique to the individual as it should be. We are all built differently and want different things so this allows us to road map and plan what we want and not what we are forced or required to do.
What’s the next step?

Clearly just the above would warrant the price of admission alone but this is where the Castle Bridges services become invaluable. Our team is best described as high level problem solvers. We have experts in every jurisdiction and the next step is to assess what you as an individual are trying to achieve. It’s important that we see your vision as you do so that we can provide the correct solutions. You may be just initially trying to protect your legacy and armour yourself against government demands on your estate. You may want to release your family from the tyrannical forces that apply their legislation as if it was God’s word. Perhaps you have a business that you have created and want to fully protect that in all jurisdictions and let it prosper and grow without the constant requirement to answer to a bureaucratic body that provides nothing for you. Maybe you have a successful business that you have nurtured over the years, navigating the rough seas of officialdom alone and have an exit strategy planned and want to reap the benefits of the hard work, sweat and toil without paying for the privilege.

We find the solutions. We tailor the package and guide you for at least 12 months in the process and our services to you continue to be at your disposal should you wish to employ them. We give you tools and ideas you then create the structures in your image and manage those structures. We provide the solutions Trusts, Foundations, Offshore Companies, Onshore Companies, Banking and the bridges between them so that you are fully protected. These are your creations, managed by you, to the benefit of you and to those that you choose to benefit. We prefer you to be as autonomous as possible. Our services and guidance are merely that. It’s very important to impress that we do not hold your titles, we do not manage your estate, we do not use faceless lawyers as trustees, we do not use our client accounts to receive or disburse your fiat currency. This is done by you and the people that you choose.

The Trust/Foundation is written by our in-house specialist to your requirements and we then advise which Bridges you need to build to protect your Castle. We give you the tools to build those Bridges and show you how to operate them as drawbridges or security gateways. This may sound daunting yet it is, in fact, remarkably easy to apply once we have done the initial work. It is also very easy to modify as your family/business/assets/income evolve. There are some very simple laws that govern commerce and also trade that you will adhere to.

Suffice to say that we are experienced and knowledgeable and we take your patronage very seriously. We work within the legal and lawful requirements at all times depending on jurisdiction and you do the same. The rules themselves are enlightening and empowering rather than being constrictive or restraining and we advise you to familiarise yourself with them although it is not strictly necessary as you have Castle Bridges to navigate you and answer any questions that you may have.

I would say that as you are potentially about to make one of the most positively world changing decisions of your life and the more knowledge that you have the better.

There’s a word that you will hear a lot of in Castle Bridges. Create! Create! Create! By Creating you are enriching your life and the lives of others and the more you create the more enrichment there is to go around. This is the essential secret of life. Create and maintain control rather than produce and give away. We at Castle Bridges Foundation encourage creation and growth above all else and we are experts in assisting at every step. We have the knowledge that by creating you will receive reward after reward. These are the secrets of Castle Bridges.

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