Following on from the 10 Rules of Trade and Trade vs Commerce we ask the question “When do you Cross Over into Commerce?” This document acts as a guide to being an intelligent Sovereign.
So we’ve already seen, on multiple occasions, that Trade is for the living and that Commerce is for the dead fictional entities, like the PERSON that we are fooled into believing is our one and only status in life. So to bring a bit of historical storytelling into the mix let’s use the story of Charon & the Journey to Hades, A Coin for the Ferryman. Up until relatively recently, depending on the culture that you were brought up in, living relatives of the recently deceased would cover the mouths of the dead. As a child I vividly remember going to the house of an uncle. His father in law was in the front room in an open casket with coins on his eyes. Interestingly this ritual was not confined to just one culture, it was found in many traditions that span millennia. The purpose of the coins was to allow the dead to pay for their passage to the Underworld. In the story that we’re telling, one of Ancient Greece, the Underworld, was the kingdom of Hades, who watched over the dead. However people didn’t magically appear in the God of the Underworld’s domain, they travelled there by boat. Now anyone who has booked a ferry knows, travelling by boat is not free. In ancient Greece they believed that the land of the living was separated from the Underworld by rivers, some stories say two rivers, the River Styx and Acheron. Other versions have five rivers separating the souls of the Living and the Dead. It’s not relevant to our story, what is important is that it was water that had to be crossed. It was a perilous crossing, a journey fraught with danger. Only one guide existed to navigate those treacherous rivers. He was known by the name Charon. You’ll find his name in Poetry and Verse as well as depictions of him in paintings and murals of the time. Virgil, Seneca, Dante and even Michaelangelo have all imagined what this character looked like and paid tribute to him in their art. However that’s not how Charon wanted payment. Charon wanted coin, one obol or three oboli, large disk like coins. Those without them were left to wander the banks of Cocytus for all eternity. Left to the Banks…. Coincidence? Maybe. I won’t bore you too much with the history of the Greek Underworld as fascinating as it is, although it’s interesting to note that we learn much of what we know from a Totenpasse or “passport of the dead” or the oboli coins that were the currency use to pay the ferryman.
This story beautifully illustrates how we cross into the dead world of commerce. I don’t like the word “forced”, so instead lets say we are relentlessly shepherded towards commerce.
How? Well money does not exist only Titles and Claim to titles as explained in the 10 Rules of Commerce. However we are required to pay in some form for our daily existence (strange when you consider we are the only species that pays to live on Earth). So if money doesn’t exist how do we pay and who are we paying? Banks are the Modern day Charon’s of our World. They are the Ferrymen on the Sea of Commerce who accept our coinage/notes. They take our Lawful Titles and in return give us the Energy of the Sea of Commerce, Current Sea or “currency”. This currency is used in the realm of the dead. You as the PERSON exist in the fictional other realm of the dead. When you’re in the fictional ‘other’ realm you have to act as a PERSON and possess properties like ghosts (Possessory title). You have no choice but to use the Banks, notes and coinage. You have no choice but to crossover into commerce. You didn’t create the notes or coinage so you have no control over it. Back to “You cannot Control what you did not create” 10 Rules of Commerce, so you have to accept their rules when using their creation, fiat currency. This control construct is older than most people can ever imagine. It is the greatest legerdemain ever. An illusion that is so unlike any other illusion that you are completely blind to it. It will continue to exist until we as Living Men and Women shine a light on it. Ironic that the saying ignorance is of the law is no excuse, when it is the ignorance of these constructs that keeps us enslaved. Once we leave the darkness of ignorance and shine a light on it we move one step closer to freedom.
It’s clear that the Banks (Ferryman) control the flow of energy between the Land of the Living and Sea of Commerce. The Government is nothing more than a distraction put in place to indoctrinate you with the ideals upon which it wants you to act.
Govern is derived from the Latin “Gubenare” – to direct, guide, govern or command, which in turn is from the Greek kybernan, to pilot a ship. Pretty obvious. However “Ment” is from the Latin mentem or “mind” and also we see it in Proto-Indo-European “méntis” which is “thought”.
Everything is hidden in plain sight. We are quite literally told that our “elected” officials are there to govern our mind. To pilot and guide our thoughts. They are openly telling you about their intentions. It’s also glaringly apparent that although some of us can see this others prefer to bury themselves in the darkness and pretend that this misdirection does not exist.
So if Govern Minds are nothing more than a distraction, why are we still beholden to them? Why do we give them importance? For most the desire to be left alone by the Govern Minds means that they’ll do whatever they are told to avoid having to confront the Beast. We are bullied and threatened and lied to. We are placed in a perpetual state of fear. Taxes piled on top of taxes. Taxes of course are voluntary but like lambs to the slaughter PERSONS queue up to sign on for them and then moan about paying them. What happens if as a PERSON you don’t pay the TAX? Suddenly the Govern Minds and the Banks relationship is seen in all its glory as your accounts are embargoed. Of course we at Castle Bridges pay no mind to these taxes and advise our clients to decide exactly how much they want to pay and to whom.
You have the right to contract in the Private or in the Public under Statutory rules. For as it is written let it be. However those in charge are not content with instilling fear into you via Taxation, we have Viruses, Terrorism, Climate Change, Acid Rain, Nuclear Holocaust, War, Food Shortages, Power Shortages, Inflation and more. Feel free to insert the latest scare tactic as it becomes apparent. Such as COVID or Monkeypox. Along with these certifiable catastrophes we are given Codes, Rules, Regulations, Mandates, Acts and Statues to help maintain fear while we are told that our future can only be safe in the hands of these Madmen. Recognise that these are all false flags designed to waste your time and energy. They are often deliberately misleading and confusing. They rarely make any sense but they are accepted by the majority and therefore set a legal precedent. However we at Castle Bridges are not concerned with their Legal shenanigans. We are concerned with being Lawful and Honourable. In the dead world that you see, PERSONS are rarely held accountable when they are in office. Why? The answer is simply they play by the rules. They know that in the Private world Codes, Rules, Regulations, Mandates, Acts and Statues are worthless. They know they are above them. However in the Private World all Living Men must act Lawfully and Honourably or face the consequences. Just investigate how some of our best known politicians have two names. One in the public and one in the private. Then let that sink in and once you figure out why, ask yourself why you aren’t doing the same. Finally consider whether you should pay any mind or give any attention to the pages and pages, the books and books of nonsense that they write to hold you in the perpetual state of fear and control that is most PERSONS daily lives. This can only be achieved in Commerce. Each year that goes by the list of rules and regulations grows and grows with no logical explanation, no real time justification. You are caught in their deceit and distraction until you choose not to be. It is that simple. The sleight of hand hooks you and then drags you into another realm or jurisdiction. A jurisdiction that is created to suck all the energy out of you. To relieve you of your life force in one way or form, through Taxes, Interest, Fines etc.
You continually find yourself crossing over into commerce however at Castle Bridges you recognise where your feet are. To plant them firmly on the Land of the Living but happily deal with the Ferryman on mutually agreed terms when necessary. By doing that we free ourselves of the control construct that I’ve described.
Looking at it from outside you have to hand it to the creators of this system that was cleverly designed to keep you in check. The brilliance of it is breathtaking. They relieve you of everything that you have Title to, make you a voluntary slave and convince you that you are a free man at the same time.
It’s not all doom and gloom though especially for the lucky ones that are reading this. My colleagues and I have spent years and years honing our skills and building our knowledge of both the Private and the Public domains. You can’t avoid Commerce. You can’t ignore it or sidestep it. There is no way to prevent yourself from entering the “other” realm. What you can do with our advice and guidance is to use the same rules that have potentially trapped you for years if not decades and create your own version of that realm. A realm where you are the Grantor and set the Rules. Not the Banks and not the Govern Minds. Your own Private jurisdiction, just like the politicians and elites that tell you how to live your life have for themselves. Where instead of donating to the “local jurisdiction”, the one that trapped you and has levied you ever since, you donate to your own. Deciding who should benefit. It’s that simple. It’s fair and it’s just and with our help it’s easily achievable.