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Citizen Vs Natural Born Living Man: What’s the difference?

Citizen vs Natural Born Living Man: What's the Difference?

The terms “citizen” and “natural born living man” are often used interchangeably, but they have distinct legal definitions and consequences. In this short article, I’ll explore the difference between a citizen and a natural born living man and why it matters in the private world that Castle Bridges clients inhabit. First, let’s define what it means to be a citizen. In the United States as in many other countries, citizenship refers to a Legal Entity granted to an individual which is a locally registered legal entity in that country, typically granted by birth within the country’s territory or through naturalization. The Citizen Entity has the right to vote, work/operate in commerce, and reside in the country and the citizen legal entities rights are protected by its Statutory rules and codes. On the other hand, a natural born living man refers to an individual who is born with certain inherent rights and freedoms are protected by Local Common Law and International Common Law. This stems from the fact that each individual has certain unalienable/birth rights that cannot be taken away by government or any other authority. Natural born living individuals are considered to have sovereignty over their own lives and are protected by the principles of natural law and justice. Their rights are considered inalienable, meaning that they cannot be taken away or surrendered. Examples of these rights include the right to life, freedom, and property/ control of titles, private contract…. In the United States, the concept of a natural born living individual is rooted in the country’s founding documents, particularly the Declaration of Independence and Bill of Rights. This document asserts that all men are “created equal” and that they are endowed by their Creator with certain “unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness”. In the UK these birth rights go back to the Magna Carta, Charter of the Forest (1217) and the Bill of Rights 1688. All throughout history you’ll see monarchs, church/religion/governments battle over the birth rights of the living individual and the deception of acting as a Citizen Legal Entity with privileges granted by the rulers, which can be taken away. The most recent being the EU project in the late 70’s in Great Britain and most of Europe. It is important to not that the term living individual, natural born national or any series of words using living or individual are used in Government Statutory rules and codes, instead words like ‘Natural’ Person are used to allow people to assume ‘Natural’ must mean living individual but a Person is a Legal Entity, as Persona not an individual. For example the U.S. Constitution uses the term “citizen” to define who has the right to vote and hold office, rather than “natural born living man.” Conversely a natural born living man, would be very unlikely to vote and would never want to hold office.   So, what’s the difference between a citizen and a natural born living man? While citizenship grants an individual legal recognition and protection under the law, being a natural born living man grants inherent rights and liberties that are not dependent on government recognition. In other words, being a citizen is a legal status granted by the state, while being a natural born living man is a fundamental right protected by natural law. Another important distinction is that citizenship can be revoked under certain circumstances. It is granted to you for your allegiance and loyalty to obey the commands of the state. Therefore it can be taken away by the state if it deems that you have not obeyed them. In contrast, a natural born living man’s inherent rights cannot be taken away by the state. It’s also worth mentioning that some individuals may refer to themselves as “sovereign citizens,” claiming that they are not bound by the laws of the government. This is an oxymoron as it is impossible to hold sovereignty over your life whilst acting as a citizen of the state. It is also a false claim to say that you are not bound by Law… Statutes and legislation is another matter… So, why does the distinction between a citizen and a natural born living man matter? Grasping the difference between these two concepts can help individuals better comprehend their rights and responsibilities under the law, as well as the limitations of government power. It also highlights the importance of protecting inherent rights and freedoms that are not dependent on government recognition.
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