On our pages Asset Protection and Wealth Management we discuss how to protect and manage your wealth. The last piece of the puzzle is to ensure that the wealth that you have built stays in safe hands and goes on providing help and security for future generations.

This is achieved by building a legacy first and foremost of course. However for many the thought of working brutal hours and obsessing about profit, loss, bottom lines and income is rendered worthless by the fact that upon their death everything that they have worked for will be taken into a third party’s hands and your assets will be divided as they see fit in lines with your will. This truly makes no sense. The reality is that families are often forced to sell the family home to accommodate the charges that are passed onto them for no good reason.

The lack of compassion for hereditary value and secured legacy is breath taking.

Think critically for a minute and ask simply why should they have a legal right to decide what your heirs are allowed to have from your estate. If this was done by a Royal three centuries ago there would have been civil disobedience. However the faceless greymen have slowly eroded your God given right to retain your wealth and assets for the good of others and those that you wish to give to.
We have to come to accept this as normal but it is an insult to every man and woman that has given their time and energy to raising family while working to give them a better future.