CBf Web Notes and Records

Ten Rules of Commerce

1. You can only control that which you create.

From this very simple statement your world will change completely. Anything that you create (including your children if you have any) is yours to control. You have that incontestable right. This encourages those with knowledge to make bold moves in producing unique creations, names, trademarks and particularly in this day and age “intellectual property”. If you created it and you’re the first to use it, name it, trademark it etc. then it is YOURS. The mistake we make is to give away that control but we’ll come to that later.

It’s important at this point to explain that there are many working parts to the structures that we provide and that they all compliment each other. If any one of these components is omitted or wrongly used the whole thing can fall apart and become worthless. There is a reason that this is so simple in design but incredibly difficult to build and that is what has prevented people from using the system to their advantage for centuries. However once you clearly see this working it is, as I said, incredibly simple and completely life changing.

So let’s dive into one of the most discredited yet effective components. For any of these elements to operate efficiently and lawfully we start by changing your status. It is essential to separate your given name from your created name. This is the catalyst that starts the process. The simple status change allows for everything that follows. Important note that this name needs to be recorded and not registered. A fatal error. If registered you have given away your control.

So with the change of status and the separation of given name from your created name, you can take the created name and use it to create a Trust. We advise you and write that Trust for you to your specific needs and in doing so you negate any claims from third parties, copyright infringements and any reporting responsibilities.

By controlling the created name you have reserved your rights to live under common law and not participate under the rules of the given name which falls under government control because that control was given to them.
Remember I said many components? A change of status without a Trust is virtually worthless and vice versa.

2. You cannot control that which you did not create.

Now after the first rule this would appear to be obvious and unnecessary but it compliments it and helps to explain the need for it. Those multiple components again.

This is where we start to see what many refer to as the Grand Deception. Every contract with the government, bank, utility company, mortgage provider or private institution is all based on Trust rules. As you have registered and given control to all the aforementioned entities you no longer have a say in the long, mid or short term, day to day choices in your life.

Why? Because your given name, the name that is registered and controlled in whatever jurisdiction you’re in as a “citizen”, is not in control of the contract, company or Trust with which you are engaging. Secondly as you don’t control your given name as previously stated you are in fact a servile by consent.

However the remedy for this is simple, you don’t engage with your given name unless it is your choice and even then it should be done with care and only to navigate the sea of commerce.

Furthermore, you’ll realise that you can hold the higher claim to other people’s creations and by holding those titles in Trust you are protecting yourself and those titles from outside claimants using statutory rules instead of common/contract law. Holding lawful title always gives you a higher claim than holding a legal title granted by the government. Those within the statutory system will try to convince you otherwise, as they only use legal titles and don’t realise that lawful title are higher than legal titles. Learn the rules to play their game. I mean imagine that you don’t know the rules of chess but you sit down to play with a seasoned chess player. What do you think the odds are of winning? None. Over time you may learn the moves but to fully appreciate the strategies will take you longer than a lifetime without assistance. This is exactly the same.

In summary you will hold the title of others creations in Trust as you did not create the title/product/ and will usually be unaware of the original exchange of value for value that was given. Therefore to ensure that the original creator cannot make a claim on what you now hold this simple precaution is taken, as the political landscape can change over time and create new taxes, restrictions, liabilities and obligations against the legal titles but the lawful titles. The law is very clear on this and is not open to any interpretation.

3. All of commerce is based on title.

Now it’s important to be able to differentiate between trade and commerce (we have a separate document explaining this) however for the purpose of this explanation we’re dealing with “commerce”.
True Title is the original paperwork proving who created the thing which is called the Manufacturer’s Statement of Origin, stating they created it on this date and where. When you purchase anything from a manufacturer you should be given this lawful title, however you’re not, as it is registered instead. As if we’re not tricked into giving it away ourselves the manufacturer is strong armed into giving it to a third party on our behalf. The document you receive is a secondary document often referred to as the MCO (manufacturer’s certificate of origin) which is the legal title.
Take a car for instance. You buy it directly from the manufacturer however the MSO is given to the government on your behalf. The government now holds the higher claim to your car than you and by holding the MSO they force you to accept the MCO (legal title) instead and therefore they have control over who, how and when you can use the car.

I don’t think that anyone would contest that once you have given something away, albeit unwittingly, to a government agency that they return it to you if questioned. The trick in this instance is not to give you the option to register but to force the manufacturer to register it on your behalf. Clever eh? The same can be said for planes, boats, motorbikes, etc. Very little can be done because the title is being transferred at source and by the manufacturer who remember holds the full true title. Now you could argue that this is not a fair exchange. You paid in whatever capacity using their creation, money, for the product and the government gets the title however once that product is registered it is placed in a Trust meaning that you now have no claim on it. Bye bye fair value. (See number 2 – You cannot control that which you did not create)

Consequently IP, copyright and trademark should be guarded ferociously and placed beyond the reaches of anyone but your Trust and its beneficiaries as should for example you Patent the product you have immediately given title to the government by registering it.

Land and property are also redeemable. We can argue who created the earth, God, Aliens or the Big Bang what we can say for sure is that man didn’t create it on a Friday afternoon before going down the pub. There is no highest title unless any of the above return and claim it or Bob the Builder proves he did do it all in a morning. Therefore, we have to accept the higher title as the closest to the true title. Once this is placed into a Private (non-statutory) Trust of/with living men/women it is divided in to two positions

    • Beneficiary of the Trust (Beneficial Interest)

    • Trustee of the Trust (Legal Title)

Remember I mentioned all those moving parts and complementary components? You should be realising why by now.

4. The only true title to anything is the MSO (Manufacturer Statement of Origin).

The only true title to anything is the MSO/IP (Manufacturer Statement of Origin and Intellectual Property). The MSO and IP is the paperwork providing incontestable evidence that the manufacturer etc. created the product, concepts, thing or service by laying out exact measurements, dimensions with drawing defining the thing. In the macro scheme of things this makes perfect sense. It is as pure as nature. You can’t claim anything in nature that you found lying around as your unless you can prove you created it. Hedgerow, meadow, forest, stream it can only be claimed as part of a piece of land with exact measurements and dimensions on a title document. However, as you didn’t create the land, you do not have the MSO and therefore do not hold the True Title, you can hold the highest claim until the MSO holder or creator turns up to claim the land as their creation and evidence, they were never given consideration for the MSO. This may seem complex but step outside of what you believe you know for a second and it becomes so glaringly obvious. There is no argument against this as it has been this way for hundreds of years. If it was not true anyone could lay claim to any asset/thing at any random time. They don’t because there are two “systems” one where the creator compiles evidence of the origin of the thing and therefore the Lawful Title (MSO).

As long as you use your own created name/trademark to create the first MSO/IP, then you have true control of that creation. Conversely if you use the PERSON name to create the MSO you lose control , as you don’t have control of the Person entity you used to hold the MSO. Everything has to be your creation step by step. This refers to true title but as we’ve seen land does not have true title so in this case the claim goes to the highest title. However this illustrates the need to always keep control of your own creations and not lose control of the MSO’s as it is the only True Title.

5. When you register anything anywhere you give up title.

Your children are undeniably your creation but do you have the MSO (The Record of Live Birth)?No, it’s pretty likely that you registered them and unbeknownst to you made them wards/property of the state. However, don’t be downhearted. It happened to all of us pretty much and is easily remedied but just remember you can only control what you create and by registering that title you are giving away control. This is the point in every conversation that I say “this isn’t for everyone”. It’s true. You need to be a special type of individual to take full control of your life and live it on your terms. The authorities/government ask for registration of everything for a reason and in years gone by you may have at least got something in return, healthcare, drivable roads, decent infrastructure, education. They hooked you, they tricked you into giving up the Title in exchange for the things previously mentioned. They know that the true title has value and therefore want you to register it and for most people that’s fair. Register for services paid for by taxes and you agree to pay taxes for those services etc. However, those of us prepared to turn our backs on those government services, to forge our own path without relying on the nanny state are few and far between because of the “safety” the state offers. Let’s be very clear though, register anything and it becomes the “States”, including you (back to the status change).

For example once you register an MSO title into a Custodian Trust with Legal Entities’ (Bank or Government Court/Register), that title is immediately split into two ‘Legal’ Titles:

    • Equitable Title (Beneficiary of the Custodian Trust)

    • Legal Title (Trustee of the Custodian Trust)

By accepting legal title under the terms of the registration, you have given away control of the Equitable title to the Custodian and therefore given away true control. Hence when you do not comply with the Government’s rules (the Custodian Trust) they can change the legal title holder, you (the trustee), as all you’re doing is looking after their asset for the Custodians benefit. You have by your own choice and agreement become the caretaker not the controller and the caretaker gets no benefits only privileges granted by the custodian of the True Title.

The legal titles holder can use the equitable title as collateral for debt/mortgage however only via the rules set out by the custodian.
Remember that registering anything with a “legal” entity means that you lose control of the True Title and by losing control of the True Title you have effectively become the sole user trustee/employee of someone else’s trust.

6. There is no money.

The next few paragraphs will either blow your mind, send you insane or stop you reading any more. This is where we turn everything you have ever believed upside down. Stick with me though even if it’s a bumpy ride.

Money exists as a concept, it’s not a tangible, touchable thing. “Hey” you say “I’m holding a 10 Pound note in my hand, that’s money!”. Is it because I read “I Promise to Pay Bearer” which says to me that it’s a promissory note. So no that’s not money and remember if you didn’t create it you can’t control it, which is illustrated perfectly in two ways.

1) Whenever the government/bank wants to embargo your account, they do it without any problem and you thought that money was yours. However they seem to have a higher claim to it. Hmmm
2) Crypto love it or hate it the government can’t control it, so they definitely hate it. All they can do is “tax” you when you convert it to their creation “fiat currency”.

.That part is simple enough. The next will take some reading and rereading.

As stated previously Titles, of course, exist and those Titles are what are converted by Banks into Legal Tender which is only a numerical claim on a True Title. The promissory notes in your pocket are in fact a numerical claim on assets held in the Custodian Trust (Bank). Complex in some regards, uncomplicated in others. A structure that once again allows those with knowledge of the rules to play the game and those who are unaware of the rules are left believing that what they see before them is real.

How did they get those Lawful Titles? You, your family, your friends probably gave them to them willingly as they didn’t know any better. Back to the numerous components we mentioned above.

It’s a very strict law that we are totally unaware of but before your change of status, your given name (person) and also Corporations can only deal in legal titles and numerical claims (fiat) which are essentially debt. Conversely Custodian Trusts and those of us with a changed status can only deal in Lawful Titles and Lawful Money which are asset backed claims and therefore credit.

Sounds worrying, as how do you only deal in asset backed credits. Simple answer you don’t, which is the trick we show you, how to bridge between the different Jurisdictions. It’s also why as well as providing you with the tools to achieve your Freedom and Sovereignty we support you for a full year to guide you through all the possibilities that you’ll encounter but more about that later.

Finally, something else to check out in our other PDF, 9 Steps To Freedom. Trade vs Commerce.
The two are worlds apart. As a Sovereign, who has changed their status lawfully, you can only engage in Trade. However as a person/corporation you can only participate in Commerce. Which is of course why we provide you with the Bridges to enter commerce when required and also trade when you want to.

7. There is no involuntary servitude.

Time for more mind blowing revelations and truths. I listen to people constantly bemoaning how we are products of the system, or that we are slaves, or that we are government slaves. Now they may all be true however why are you moaning? You signed up for it. So did I. So did 99% of the population (I think you can guess why the other 1% didn’t).

It’s easy to say as I did earlier that we are tricked and to some extent it’s true though it’s more likely that in this day and age we’re following the only examples and system that we know. It’s become part of the furniture so to speak. “It is what it is, nothing that we can do about it”. Except complain. Nevertheless some of us had this gut feeling from early in our lives that something didn’t add up. It didn’t make sense. My background meant that I existed for my formative years outside of what you now call society and by the time my parents bought into the whole sham, I was already questioning everything. Taxes never made any sense to me nor did rules made by one man over another. We were the only species that paid to live on earth and we are meant to be at the top of the chain. So I spent years looking for solutions. I fought the system as I thought I was clever enough to out manoeuvre it. When I failed I lived outside the system and chose to forgo the “privileges” afforded to me by the state. Finally I left the UK. Then a couple of random chance encounters led me to other people who saw what we now refer to as the Control Construct aka Matrix. From there over years we explored all the possibilities that we found. Rabbit holes were examined and exited. Theories were ripped apart. Arguments and debates were many but we preserved and one of the first things we established was that everything that we were complaining about was our fault. Yes, we were fooled and tricked or even leveraged, enticed and finally trapped but we did it voluntarily. We consented, via marks or signature, we complied because we knew no better. We always consent three times and that forms the contract. More about that in another document.

There is another option though. Just say no. Peacefully refuse to comply. The reason we normally consent apart from knowing no better, is to gain our access and use of their system. It also comes down to laziness. How many people go along because they can’t be bothered to object? To question? When given an instruction it’s harder to say “Why?”, “Please show me”, “Give me the reason”, “Can I see?”. I know what you’re thinking, automated services, no human being at the end of the phone, no-reply mails. Yep, I know, which is why being, belligerent, stubborn and patient helps. I travelled 2000 miles across Europe and back during Covid, doing all the things the media told us were impossible. I’m still travelling and I’m still unvaccinated to this day. We always found a way. There was always a loophole in the small print. After frequently asking for an explanation if none was given, then we just said “No”. If they didn’t acknowledge my answer, I repeated, “Do you understand me, NO”. Sounds easy and is easy. The issue arises in school where we are taught to obey and we continue to do it but when you obey a command you are giving authority to the individual making the command. The secret is not to engage, don’t argue as by acknowledging them you are consenting to their authority. Think of a time that you’ve been stopped by the police.

Reason for your journey/being here?

Straight away you answer.

Now let me tell you about a recent occurrence when I was stopped in a car park in Varazdin, Croatia by two customs agents because I was driving a car with a Spanish plate. They asked me the same questions as above.

I answered “why?” repeatedly. HAVE WE DONE SOMETHING WRONG? CALMLY, RESPECTFULLY?(A lot easier now that my wife is also on board.) I turned to her at one point and said “whatever they say don’t sign anything”. The frustration on their faces was painful and after 4-5 minutes they gave up and walked away.

The moral of this story. Don’t walk yourself into voluntary servitude then complain about it. In fact if you’re reading this DON’T WALK YOURSELF INTO VOLUNTARY SERVITUDE!! You don’t need to go along just to get along. Imagine the more people that did this the easier all our lives would be.

8. First in line is first in time.

This is my least favourite to explain as it’s so easy yet people find it the most difficult to follow (apart from Money of course). You are the Creator and timelines clearly matter therefore be careful and vigilant with your creations.

Write everything down, keep records and produce evidence to support the claim that you are in fact the creator. If necessary, have the creations witnessed/notarised and dated. Why? Every idea, concept and project followed to fruition has value in commerce and you must protect them. Proving that they are yours is imperative. They are yours and yours alone. The extra security to protect them is to hold them in a trust, that extra layer of security is essential.

There may have been occasions that you mistakenly gave up the Title you must correct it immediately and not allow anyone to make a claim to that Title. This is one of the only times we would advise an attacking strategy to defend the timeline as your attempt to correct has come before the claim is made to relieve you of the Title. Therefore it has to be settled first prior to dealing with the claim to remove/sell/profit from what you created.

9. Do not interfere with commerce.

In the numerous discussions with my colleagues on this one, we always marvel at the brilliance of this little gem. It makes absolute sense but even so it’s a master stroke in maintaining a status quo.

Remember the law “You can not control what you did not create”? Well none of us created this situation so how can we control it? We can’t.

The law “There is no involuntary servitude”? Everyone has consented to their current situation, they have freedom of choice, they can always leave.

The explanation is simple, you can not tell others what to do and what is right from wrong. You can’t free the slaves from servitude, they have to free themselves.

It sounds hopeless but it’s not. It’s there to inspire you to lead by example, to show others a different way, to forge a different path and let others choose to follow in your wake. It is there to inspire you to seek solutions not destroy existing structures and systems. The mantra “burn it to the ground and let’s rebuild” isn’t the solution. You have to create a better way and allow people to choose their own options. By restricting or preventing people from conducting commerce you set into motion a process that can have consequences you do not grasp and in doing so you will harm yourself. It’s simple, tend to your own garden and leave others to theirs.

10. Never allow anything to come between you and your creator.

Often seen as a reference to God and understandably so. However if we take into consideration how many Gods there are it’s easy to see that this isn’t the point. You/We are the Creators. Consider that we have the two statuses. One in the public and one in the private (more on that in another document). As we’ve learnt that we can only control what we create and that registering anything gives up title we need to appreciate that we are split in two once we have changed our statuses.

One part operates in the public (legal) and one part operates in the private (lawful). The secret to this is to always be aware of which of the two you are operating under. We provide the bridges between these and teach you how to use them to step between the two.

That is what is meant by not letting anything come between you and your Creator. You are the Creator (private) and nothing must separate that from the Person (public). The Bridges must never be blocked or destroyed. They must remain open at all times allowing you to connect your two parts. Once you allow that Bridge/Bridges to be closed either by foolishness or misuse of your status/Trust/Company you are left unprotected and open to attack.

By maintaining the integrity of the Bridges, you create security, wealth, protection, control and legacy. The goal is to be fully in command of every aspect of your life rather than in servitude to the powers that be, at the whim of legislation and government control.


That concludes the 10 laws of commerce. I imagine that you have a mountain of questions. Each one has an answer and we are here to supply those answers. This document, although only 8 pages long, was years in the making. It also only scratched the tip of the iceberg. It’s one grain of sand in the desert. When we discovered all of the above, our initial thought was to make a course that would teach people how to reach their goals. However it became apparent very quickly that every case was unique and that the multiple working parts required to succeed were too much initially for people to implement alone. For that reason we do the heavy lifting for you. Everything is still under your control and each bespoke structure is tailored specifically for you. We also came to the conclusion that even with all the tools provided people would need support which is why we created the Castle Bridges Private Members Club. To protect your Castle and construct Bridges for you to use. We coach you and advise you for the first year, however the whole point of this exercise is to free you from overreach so choices made are always yours, we can only give you the tools to work with and tell you what the outcome will be when you use them or should you misuse them. There is a bountiful amount of information that will only become available to club members, the ongoing opportunities that we provide assure the membership grows year after year as we aide you grow and maintain your wealth and legacy.

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