Rules of Trade
You can only Trade with Living people
The one offering to trade sets the rules, you can always decline
Possession/Control is 9 tenths of the Law
All Trade is based on Credit, you can only trade what you have
All of Trade is settled instantly, if there is a delayed settlement then a Custodian Trust/Escrow is used
There is no money, only value for value, or value stored in a Custodian Trust
You cannot Trade registered Titles.
When you register anything anywhere, you’re entering into commerce
You cannot force people into commerce
Never allow a Legal/Dead entity into the Trade, as that is Commerce
This was never going to be my favourite record to write however it’s one of the most powerful. It illustrates how, through the subtle and sometimes the grand moves of powerful people, we are born unknowingly into servitude and blindly adhere to the system that is cleverly designed to keep us there. We clearly didn’t create the earth so it follows that we are only the caretakers or Trustees of it. So, imagine that we are all the Trustees and Beneficiaries of this planet, it’s a socialist’s wet dream, everything is distributed equally. Each person that is born has a Trust account allocated to them with their share of all the wealth this world has to offer. It would in theory seem a pretty fair way to distribute what is not created by man but is left in his care. Of course, that wealth would move through trade between men and women and we would see human nature run its course. Some would become richer and some would become poorer, that’s life. But would we see the huge difference between the bottom earners and the top earners that exists today? No, we wouldn’t because life is cyclical, it turns and has a rhythm. Like the tide it ebbs and flows back and forth. The only way to hold it in one place would be to create a system where an elite group controls everything for everyone and also receives all the benefits. Of course, that would be unfair and unlawful (not illegal). Unless there was a way to gently walk people towards slavery and have them sign themselves up for it. To make living men and women give the benefits, of not only, the earth but also their sweat and toil. Sound a little far-fetched? Then just think of the actual benefits to those in control of that system. Untold resources, wealth and power. All you have to do is create a few large-scale events through a century, to use as an excuse for new legislation, rules, taxes, etc. On the back of a war, a pandemic, famine, climate change or terror attacks, when the fear is at its peak, throw a separate distraction at the populace and then bring in another set of rules to hold them in check. Sound familiar? For those of you over 40, remember the fear of ACID RAIN? It’s a classic, they made a monumental fuck up and then turned it to their advantage. People were terrified. Yet within a couple of years, it was gone. Or the scare tactic that we would be losing land to the sea at an alarming rate. Yet those peddling those fears were still buying up beach front properties and the banks were still lending on them.
Enough conspiracy realism, let’s see just how great a plan they executed on us. Now remember it’s irrelevant whether you believe in one God or another or no God at all. You’re living under the rules that were created to safeguard his creation. Those rules are written literally in stone and man cannot break them. So instead, he found a way to subvert them. As long as nobody is forced into doing anything against their will no law is broken. It’s near impossible for men to be free. It has become normalised to seek government help or protection from any number of things for example medical care, schooling, crime(police), welfare, housing, military to name but a few. For that protection or service you agree to operate under their authority, you agree unknowingly to their rules and taxation. This is how you volunteer for servitude. The kicker is that because everyone around you is volunteering, you go along with it without realising that you can say no.
You can only Trade with Living people.
Straight away. You can only trade with Living people so your PERSON status immediately disqualifies you. Any attempt to enter into Trade with a Government entity instantly means that you are under their jurisdiction and are therefore participating in Commerce.
You can trade with other Living men and women, however Trade between two or more people is an exchange of goods or services directly with each other. Hmmmmm…. So, a barter system, can’t use money or a bank (more of that later). So, you bring me some wood for the fire, I’ll give you the equivalent value in the produce from the vegetable that I grow. Now I’ve actually seen this happen in the last couple of years, however it isn’t very practical and let’s be honest if you’re living in a city centre, your goods and services to barter are minimal as everyone is already in commerce. Of course, Trade has to be in tangible goods or services, things that can be seen, touched, held or directly experienced. It can be done locally, Nationally or Internationally but it has to take place instantly, no promissory notes or debt. Verbal or written agreements can constitute trade but as we’ve seen it’s a very niche market.
The one offering to trade sets the rules, you can always decline
Trade is voluntary and free, the one who offers the trade sets the rules. You have the option to decline. The process is simple OFFER/ INVITATION/OPTION followed by ACCEPTANCE/AGREEMENT/CONSENT and finally by the EXCHANGE/TRANSACTION/PERFORMANCE. Once again really simple and straightforward. In its pure form this is free market anarchic capitalism and it’s the government’s worst nightmare. They cannot interfere in any way including any taxation. I believe that you’ve seen the first reason why they’ve made it virtually impossible to TRADE. It gives all the power to the TRADERS, value is agreed at the point of Trade without any bureaucratic intervention, no regulations, no price fixing, no Purchase Tax, no Sales Tax. Once the Trade is settled it is considered complete and final. You are Trading as a Living Man under common Law, which you live under as an Individual, with the full interaction and integration locally, Nationally and Internationally of UCC. A Trade can only be undone if a case of fraud or misrepresentation has occurred. If you have been misled as to the fair value due to false information. How simple.
Possession/Control is 9 tenths of the Law
I’m sure you’ve heard this on either TV or Film and it makes sense. If you have either created the goods or services directly or have them under your control and possess unrestricted lawful title then it stands to reason that they are yours. Let’s face it the government and its paymaster would take everything you had if you allowed it but there are certain safeguards to protect us from that overreach. Should you for any reason, find yourself in conflict and it’s less likely than in Commerce then under the Law of Equity the final arbitration process will take place in the Private Lawful Courts. Although rule number three is all about possession, you can agree to take an option to trade at a later date, once you have the goods or service or credit you can settle. An important point to this is that although the option offers you the choice to Trade it does not imply any obligation.
All Trade is based on Credit, you can only trade what you control
The comparison between Trade vs Commerce is another document entirely but respecting everything that you’ve learnt it will come as no surprise that Trade is ALWAYS, only based on CREDIT. No debt, no borrowing, no promissory notes (see a problem there) or secure rights (securities) enforced or secured by a government’s rules or codes. After all, if you can only control what you create it stands to reason that you can only offer what you create or control and it therefore follows that you can only pay or settle with what you control as well. Should a delay in settlement occur then a Custodian or Escrow account can be used. Remember ESCROW? Should either be required, then receipts, letters of credit or certificates can be exchanged as lawful tender as they are credit based and not debt based.
All of Trade is settled instantly, if there is delayed settlement then a Custodian Trust/Escrow can be used but a reminder that you cannot use any form of instrument that is enforced or secured by a government, as that is now commerce.
As previously mentioned, all Trade should be settled instantly given that you can only offer what you have under your control and the buyer can only accept with sufficient value/funds under their control, settlement has to be instant. There will be occasions when the two Living people are not local, payment is delayed or takes days, in this case funds or the product can be put into Custodian Trust or Escrow until settlement and/or delivery is complete as I stated above. This is an area that allows us to be creative should we wish to participate in Trade. For example, property, cars, yachts, planes, products etc. can be placed into Custodian Trusts/Escrow to complete inspections, scrutiny and due diligence. The use of a Custodian Trust/Escrow allows all parties involved to agree to the conditions of the Trade while remaining Lawful and outside the jurisdiction of Commerce
There is no money, only value for value, or value stored in a Custodian Trust
This is a recurring theme. Why? It’s a fact that needs emphasising over and over until you see it. Money is a concept. It does not exist. I realised this so long ago it pains me. The Fiat GBP or Sterling actually says “I promise to pay the bearer…..”. Right before your very eyes they tell you that it is a promissory note. Nothing more. Think of an abacus, money is just numbers, whether it be on a screen, on a scrap of paper or on an old-fashioned calculator. Fiat is debt where Lawful money is asset backed. Those Lawful assets are held in a Custodian Trust and the exchange of certificates and receipts can be used for the settlement of a Trade but those Certificates/Receipts must be redeemable by the holder or bearer. As we keep saying, a promise to pay is debt, which is legal tender, it is not Lawful Money. That’s the real kick in the head, you cannot engage in Trade with fiat currency, you cannot use a commercial bank (third party) and therefore you’ll find it almost impossible to participate in Trade on a day-to-day basis unless you are incredibly creative and well organised. It’s a very clever ploy that forces you to use commerce and fiat. This part of the game is relatively new. Up until the last century the cash in your pocket was backed by Gold or Silver, commonly referred to as the Gold Standard but those clever grey suited faceless bureaucrats worked out that if you didn’t have the asset then you were essentially poor, what better way for “First World Country’s” to keep up appearances than by just printing/creating the legal tender when they want it. Over the years I’ve seen a lot of people on social media etc. comment on governments printing legal tender irresponsibly but they rarely go deeper and discover the root cause of the problem and where the solution lies.
You cannot Trade registered Titles
By now you should be seeing the difference between Lawful and Legal. Trade is Lawful, Commerce is Legal “and ne’er the twain shall meet” literally. You cannot mix the two. It just does not function. Therefore, it stands to reason that Legal Titles cannot be used in Trade. A legal title is a registered title. By registering you have changed the dynamic of the structure completely. Your title, now it’s registered is not under your control, you are no longer the holder of that Title. The Custodian Trust (normally the Government or a Bank) sets out the rules for the transfer of the Legal Title (the Trustee position), they now hold the Title and you as the Trustee have all the obligations and none of the benefits (we expand on this in another record). As we run through the 10 Laws of Trade. I can imagine your thoughts. Why bother? Trade is impossible. We are forced into commerce. To some extent that is correct however there are Bridges that can be used like firewalls to allow you to move between the Lawful and the Legal. Those Bridges are fundamental to you creating wealth and then protecting that wealth. Then once you have a considerable amount of funds, Lawful Titles and the right structure the fun can really begin.
When you register anything anywhere, you’re entering into commerce
The 10 Rules of Commerce. Possibly one of the most eye-opening reads you’ll encounter, sets everything out with regard to commerce and how to conduct yourself in the world of commerce. When you are using the creations of others you are forced to abide by their rules and you are therefore not exchanging the value of title but instead obligations. As we saw in the previous paragraph you cannot Trade registered titles. But you are continually asked to register, your house, your car, your children and in doing so as we’ve seen you are placing yourself in a jurisdiction that you have no control over and entering into commerce. The rules are very simple, straight forward yet also very strict. Once you are in the Sea of Commerce you must have the knowledge and ability to step back into either Trade or the Lawful safe haven or you will be continually penalised by those that hold the higher claim. The higher claim that they now have because you gave it to them by registering that title. Register your car, you become the licensed keeper, register your house and you’re effectively a tenant. Register your children? Well, we’ve seen in recent months how certain governments think that they can exert influence over your creations. Stay away from registering but if you must register something and you’re in the Castle Bridges PMC ask us how to structure it to your advantage. If you’re going to register anything and you’re not in the PMC, then join now. If you’re not interested in the PMC then I wish you the best of luck but remember it’s harder to undo a mistake once it’s made. In closing on this one I know that I keep repeating this but Trade is Lawful Title (Value) for Lawful Title (Value) it’s not the exchange of meaningless pieces of paper or tokens as per Livery of Seisin (Delivery of Tenure). It’s hard to think like this but the longer you study the system, the easier it becomes to see through the smoke and mirrors.
You cannot force people into commerce
Here comes the get out of jail free card if you know how to use it. Know the rules of the game to play successfully. If not, you’ll always lose. You’re up against an opponent who is far better versed in the intricacies and nuances of this, so to start with we advise people to take baby steps as they are learning the lay of the land. Don’t provoke. Act Lawfully. Be aware of the Legal implications. Learn when to retreat from the Legal to the Lawful with the fruits of your toil. Be aware that you cannot be forced into commerce in the same way you cannot be forced into servitude. You will probably be or have been coerced into both but we’re not going to let that happen again. As we are now fully aware of where we stand and what our status is, we’re not going to be fooled or tricked again. So, let’s be clear, selling legal title is not value for value, as you’re being tricked into being the trustee of a Custodian Trust (government or bank). The Custodian Trust that you are now a part of has obligations, responsibilities to adhere to which can be pages and pages of rules and regulations that will in some way tax/restrict you. All written to tie you up in Latin knots and hold you down with Cuban links. As we’ve seen by registering you’ve agreed to terms and conditions that you’ve not even seen, as let’s be honest, who reads the small print. There is Remedy and Recourse though. The Law is very clear that you cannot be forced. Under any circumstances. By having full knowledge of how the game is played we can avoid being led into commerce unknowingly and we can protect ourselves far better.
It follows that we have a Lawful responsibility not to force others into commerce. Although we see people deceived by these slights of hand on a daily basis over and over again, we must rise above the sea and never lead people into thinking they control something by selling them legal titles.
Trade and Commerce are complete and total opposites. One is reserved for the Living. Those amongst us who have our feet on the land have the opportunity to involve ourselves in Trade and also Bridge into Commerce when we require, knowing that we can cross back into the Lawful world that we inhabit and close the Bridge until we wish to use it again. Those of you who have not taken advantage of what we are teaching you will remain as the Government’s dead vessels cast adrift in the sea of commerce.
Never allow a Legal/Dead Entity into the Trade, as that is Commerce
It should be clear by now that Trade is for the Living and Commerce is for the metaphorical dead. Do not allow yourself to be tricked into acting as a dead PERSON. We see this so often. An individual changes their status and then makes a stupid mistake. They changed their status, then knowingly walked straight back into commerce by registering themselves. Remember right back to the start of the document Trade is Between a Living man and another Living man? The second that you allow a Legal/Dead Entity to participate that’s Commerce. Use fiat, it’s commerce. Use a commercial bank, it’s commerce. Use your PERSON name. It’s commerce. There is no problem with Commerce as long as you are aware that’s what you are practising. As long as you know when you’re entering into Commerce and can control the flow, then you will prosper. Do not enter into commerce when you are not receiving value for your energy/creations/time. This is a fool’s errand and will cost you dearly. Not only your time, energy and more than likely title to your creations it will also cost you your self-respect at best and sanity at worst.
That actually wasn’t as bad as I thought. When the team and myself talk about Trade it’s seen as a complete dead end for most of the people that we know and love. Only a select few have the opportunity and ability to conduct themselves at a level that lets them avoid commerce entirely. The Bridges that we provide are part of a structure that we help you build. The name Castle Bridges came from conversations that we had that concerned the home being each man’s Castle. That Castle needs to be protected though. You can build a deep wide moat all around your Castle. You construct high walls, fortress like turrets, however, if you need to leave your Castle to gather supplies or to compete with your neighbours in any way you have to have a secure means of leaving and returning. So, we create Bridges that act as barriers to keep away those that would attack your Castle but those Bridges permit you safe passage between the Public and Private Worlds. They are the mechanism by which all that is yours is protected. This document in some ways demonstrates the lengths that those who hold power are prepared to go to not only hold onto that power but to profit from it. By guiding us strongly into commerce our options are limited though we can reserve the right without prejudice to extricate ourselves from the bureaucratic yoke that weighs us down. Reserving the right under UCC is not complex but it must be done 100% correctly, if not then you will have waded into fast running, deep waters without the proverbial life jacket. As I’ve previously mentioned you must err on the side of caution if you don’t have advice, as it’s better to take no step than take the wrong step and trip yourself up.
Trade is as we’ve seen virtually impossible to participate in on a day-to-day basis. It’s just not practical. The reason? Well, there are numerous. Those that govern us have made it as difficult as possible for us to transact on a Living man to Living man footing. Every rule is countered by their creations and those creations push us into commerce. You could also argue and say that we have consented to this state of affairs by not preventing the implementation of these unlawful practices that we have become accustomed to. Though that may be true we are often unable to see how bad things can become until it’s already happening. The reality renders discussion irrelevant though. We have all the necessary tools at our disposal and although there are obstacles to overcome, we can see them clearly and with the breadth of knowledge at our disposal we have undeniably the best opportunities that any of us were ever likely to encounter. The knowledge that we share and the structures that you create with our advice have been the cornerstone of the world’s wealthiest families for generations and generations, these are the true secrets of the elite. These are the tools that they have guarded closely, the tools that gave them generational wealth. Imagine never paying Tax and then passing everything that you earn in your lifetime to your heirs and those heirs starting the process all over again without having to give a chunk to those that demand what is rightfully ours. Trade may almost be outdated but that is not a last post, it’s a call to arms.