CBf Web Notes and Records

The Three Jurisdictions

You’ve heard the term we’re living in the Matrix or seen offers of people to help you Escape the Matrix. Although I enjoyed the movies there is no Matrix. The concept is created by people to explain something that they can’t fully comprehend. It’s a coping mechanism that reassures us that there isn’t much we can do as we’ve already lost the battle. Nothing could be further from the Truth. In your daily life, you’re already interacting with three types of Law, I’m pretty sure that you were completely unaware of this. In fact, until today you probably believed that there was one set of laws set out by the Government and as we live in a Country that is governed and we must abide by those laws. Almost correct but not for any of the reasons that you think.
These are the three types of Law that you are interacting with daily:

  1. Law of the Living (Lawful/Law) These are the rules of what is considered equitable between one Living man and another, it is also the jurisdiction for those that Trade privately with each other directly in risk free transactions, one item for another item settled instantly. Read more about this in the 10 Laws of Trade.
  2. Law of Commerce (Banking) This is how we trade with each other in the PERSON, when we use a mixture of Private individuals and Companies/Trust as third parties, to exchange value for value. Value is pre-set but with fair consideration, a delay in settlement or delivery in acceptable in these transactions. This is also where the most confusion arises, as you can pick the jurisdiction of the contract but depending on the type of transaction will depend on which jurisdiction can be used. Legal Entities can only pick a Statutory Jurisdiction but Private Lawful entities can contract with Legal Entities without having to pick a Statutory Jurisdiction by reserving their Common Law Rights via UCC 1-308 (1-207), to only agree to the terms expressed in the contract and not assume to have agreed to all the Statutory rules of the Legal Entities place of registration.
  3. Law of the Dead (Legal entities) These are the corporations/Trusts that we use to facilitate the exchange of value for value when there is a risk/debt involved i.e. Secured Rights (Securities) enforced by the local Jurisdictions rules and codes. This also is the area in which we see how that risk/debt is shared or mitigated by the local government. If the government assumes the risk, then taxes are used to off-set that risk, however this usually leads to the type of reckless risk taking that we associatewith our elected leaders.

​Law of the Living (Lawful)

When you’re at home or walking around town interacting with other people, you’re living under Natural Law and Local Common Law, which in some countries is called the Law of the street or the Law of the Land. It is based on the basic principles that are laid out the Bible as the 10 commandments. It’s pretty simple do not harm, steal or cheat/lie etc. If there is no victim then there is no crime. Fairly common-sense rules that most people agree are as fair and just, as they are logical. Think along the lines of Criminal Law where all cases are heard in front of a living Jury of our peers and/or imagine private matters between two or more individuals that have a contract dispute as one or both does not feel the contract was equitable, with no fair consideration of value exchanged between the two.

This is considered the Private jurisdiction as it is between two or more living men or living women that are in direct communication and contract directly with each other without the need for a 3rd party taking custody of the Lawful titles during the transaction. A Trust is used where one party wants to delay the risk-free transaction for what could be a number of reasons and would like a Trustee to manage this delayed transaction. We can also use Private Trust’s to the hold higher claims on Lawful title taking in to account the possibility of the Creator of that Title coming back in the future to argue he wasn’t given fair consideration at the point of sale. This dispute can be for a number of reasons but most are settled quickly if a Trust is involved. However, it’s worth remembering that there are time limits to this, similar to a Statute of Limitations, depending on the type of transaction, fraud though has no such limitation. This is possibly the most difficult of the jurisdictions to comprehend as it’s the one we see the least of even though it’s the simplest in its form. Perhaps that’s why it’s not used. It offers the living man a lawful solution without all the palaver that the other jurisdictions tie you up in. On top of which the use of fiat currency means that no one actually gets fair consideration at all, hence as we’ve seen everything has to be held in trust for you by the banks or governments so that you can claim compensation once you’re aware to/of the system and how to make it work for you.

​Law of Commerce (Banking)

When you use or make a promise to pay rather than participate in an instant exchange of value for value, with fair consideration, you have to use a debt instrument. A very large majority of people have no idea about this and never will. The fact that we are dealing in debt instruments in our day to day lives would terrify most of the population. Now as we already know that the Law of Living does not allow for anyone to be put into debt, therefore you have to transition into the Law of the Dead (legal). At this point I considered putting in that we are forced into using Banking Law but although that is what happens in practice, we’ve already seen that we can interact between the different jurisdictions with the proper structure. The issue is that only a handful of people know how to do this. Just how do the Banks and Financial institutions work this magic? Once you know I think you’ll agree that it’s pretty impressive. Not only is it impressive but it’s also a closed shop. Simply put the banks take Lawful titles and convert them into Legal Tender using a code designed specifically for this task. Banking Law is a combination of Trust Law and International Common Law, which is based on Maritime Law that has now been formalised as the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC). The UCC which is a huge publication spanning many volumes contains the Laws governing the placement of Lawful Titles into Custodian Trusts (Banks) which convert them into Legal Tender. Legal tender as we know and see it on a daily basis is just a set of numerical claims on the Lawful titles. You can, of course exchange them for other Legal Tender via the banking system and then exchange those claims for other Lawful Titles in different countries. A loop extraordinaire.

​Law of Dead (Legal Entities)

What we know as Corporations are in fact public Trusts. As previously mentioned you can see the structure is so similar that there is no room for discussion. These public Trusts have rules and regulations set out by the local government. These will cover directives on how to interact with other local corporations, foreign corporations and also governments. The Legal rules, statues, acts, mandates, legislation, bills etc. are not laws, hence they are not referred to as laws. They are merely rules and they exist for corporations only. Remember no one is breaking any laws, or the rules of Commerce and Trade. What you see is a system designed to enslave you. The system can’t do this forcefully so it walks you into it with your consent. The government can’t interact with a Living Man or Woman as it’s a Corporation and that’s not allowed so the individual is given a PERSON name and ID number. Clever eh? You now have your government account number for that PERSON. The PERSON, registered, numbered and signed up is a corporation which due to ignorance and voluntary servitude is under the jurisdiction of the local government rules. The PERSON is NOT the Living man or woman with a similar name. It is essential to grasp this fundamental as it is a cornerstone of learning to adapt the system to your will. This becomes very interesting though as the living man or woman is the representative of that PERSON (trustee/director of the public trust/corporation). That’s it though. The representative, nothing more. However, most people assume they are the PERSON and therefore unwittingly form what is called an Implied Trust with the government. This of course encouraged and done to provide surety to that PERSON’s account however you are now obliged to pay all those nasty taxes that they greedily add year after year to the burden of ordinary people. This deception is called PERSONAGE, as the living man or woman has no obligation to honour any implied contract/trust, only Expressed contracts/Trusts which are signed by two parties and witnessed or notarised. Very important words here are IMPLIED and EXPRESSED. The difference between voluntary servitude and freedom.

Cbf is a team that is dedicated to giving choices to its clients. We have the tools at our disposal that allow us a level field of play. We’re not beating the system we are working within it. You can’t beat this system because it’s not unfair or unjust once you know how to work within it. Which is why our structuring of Trusts is so valuable, as you the individual Living man sits higher than the governments and banking institutions as you are Lawful and not obliged to perform in the legal world unless you wish to. Instead with our guidance you can use this knowledge to your advantage rather than being a small cog in their huge machine.

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