CBf Web Notes and Records

Trade vs Commerce

One of the cornerstones to the knowledge that you are about to gain is the difference between Trade and Commerce. Being able tell the two apart will make this journey far easier. We inhabit two worlds. In one we are the Legal PERSON, the corporate vessel berthed by the government corporation. Bound by its legalities, statutes and legislation that is set in the Public under statutory rules and codes. In the other, set in The Private we find that we hold the power via our Natural Unalienable Right. Where we are the masters of our own domain. A status above the statutory legalities (not the Law) of the government and in fact above the government corporations themselves. When we structure a Private Foundation (common Law Pure Trust -CLPT) we have the same standing Internationally as a Government Corporation, able to set the by-laws, rules of employment of the Trustees and codes of conduct, just like the Statutory rules and codes for the Government employees and registered entities like the Legal Person/Citizen. I’m hoping as you read the 9 Steps to Freedom that the questions that you’d been asking for many years as to the inequality and sometimes the ridiculousness of the statutory rules we are asked to follow are answered. Once you grasp the basis of what we can achieve then the rest is up to you. The same themes tend to be revisited in multiple documents but it’s impossible not to, the web is woven well and the secret is not to fight against it or else you become more entangled. The answer is to relax, take stock and construct your own web over/above that allows you to successfully traverse the one you’re caught in.

This is a simple document just setting out the basics for you. We’ll be expanding on everything that is written here and more. If after the first reading or even after the first two or three documents your feeling confused, don’t worry. We are in this position of knowledge due to years and years of research and hard work. We are in our own humble way trying to simplify this as best our limited writing prowess allows. We are very approachable though so should you have questions please feel free to contact us and ask them.



  • Exchange of Goods and services between Living men/Living woman. You must have created yourself a new individual Sovereign Name/Trademark to no longer solely inhabit the PERSON (dead vessel of the government).
  • Done in the Private without third party/government restrictions/regulations, the Living men/Living women come to a voluntary agreement. One makes the offer, the other agrees. The trade is done. Conclusion.
  • Settlement is instant, an exchange of value for value. The buyer is free to use the product or service instantly and seller has the payment instantly to use without restrictions. The transaction is free and clear of any interference from any third party as none was involved. Therefore, both parties have set clear parameters for the Trade and both have agreed.
  • Trade can be local, domestic and international/global, pay up front and goods are shipped on good faith. I know it negates the “instant” line above, however you are taking title as the goods are paid for or transferring title as the payment is received. (Authors note: Does it become clear now why Countries have enforced borders).
  • Both parties are in full possession (Lawful Title) of either the goods and/or means of payment to settle instantly. This important as no arbitrage exists in Trade. It’s very strict
  • Buyer and seller are in direct communication. Simple, clear and very important. No 3rd party in between, no agents, facilitators or representatives. Just the buyer and seller talking to each other.
  • In cases where both sides agree to it a Private Trust can be used to delay settlement. It goes without saying that as this is a Private Trust that all participants, Grantor, Trustee & Beneficiary are all Living men or Living women


  • Commerce is Exchange of Goods or services between Public Fictions/Corporations. This is what you will be most familiar with. You are probably a PERSON, a fictitious, creation of your Country’s Government. Corporations are Public Trust, Shareholder = Beneficiaries, Trustee’s = Directors/Board Members etc. Banks are Public Custodian Trusts (although Private Banks can work in both worlds).
  • It is conducted in the Public with third party oversight. It has codes, rules and regulations to control the sale and purchase of goods and services. You are never in control. You have the illusion of being in control but those in charge of commerce can change the rules at any time? New Tax. New regulations. More oversight. Always under the guise of giving you more protection but when did your government last help you? It serves to show that you are helpless when really, you’re far from it.
  • Companies or corporations are used to transfer legal titles not Lawful title. The difference is huge. One ensures control and the other voluntary servitude. The illusion that you control anything is farcical unless you either have Title or the Highest Claim. Think of the auto mobile you drive. Registered Keeper. Who has the higher claim? The one with whom its registered with. This is why you must abide by their rules because if you do not they can take it off you.
  • All titles are registered with Public Custodian Trusts/Government registers. That’s what gives them the highest claim. I realise that I’m repeating myself but this needs hammering home. You register it with third party. They now control it. Your car, your boat, your house, your children. The Public Custodian Trust has stripped you of the Beneficiary/Equitable Title with a clever sleight of hand.
  • As you do not hold the Lawful Title you are not in true control of the items/services, hence the Custodian/Government has all the control. You can change this and correct it in your favour by making a lawful higher claim.
  • Individuals as people have to use a PERSON (fictitious Government creation) or a Corporation to hold the legal titles. Conversely in the same way that the PERSON cannot hold Lawful Title.
  • Commerce can be local, national and international/global but cannot be done with Living Men or Living Women directly. Hence the government created a PERSON corporation to hold the legal titles and allow them to walk them into voluntary servitude. Plus let’s not forget all those nice rules and regulations that you now have to adhere to.
  • There are different rules for PERSON’S and corporations. Both can be represented by a Living man or Living Woman. The bit we’re uncovering in this series of documents, is realising where the control of the PERSON and/or Corporation lies and how we step between the different worlds without tripping ourselves up.
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